9 Tips to Generate Successful Ad Creative for Your Facebook Campaign

December 26, 2020
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9 Tips to Generate Successful Ad Creative

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Here you’ll find out how to generate great Ad creative for your Facebook campaign.

Facebook ad creative and copywriting are one of the main elements that make your Facebook campaign a success. Your ad should be brilliant and eye catching in order to attract new customers and leads and convert them into sales.  

The nature of the ads will impact your CPA and CPC (Cost-Per-Acquisition) (Cost-per-click). Consumer Acquisition also found that 75 percent -90 percent of ad output is because of images.  This is why the quality and attractiveness  of your ad picture is of utmost importance!

Here are some failsafe tips that will enable you to create successful and ad creative for your Facebook campaign.

1. Find the budget of your campaign 

If you have money restrictions, that’s cool. You can still make great photos and videos on your mobile device. In addition, consider using previously used creative if you have any. Try using free software online to get started. 

  • If you don’t have your own photos or videos, Facebook provides high-quality stock images that you can use. When you build your ads, you’ll see the stock photos as an option. 
  • Facebook offers a resource called Mobile Studio to build your own properties. On Mobile Studio, Facebook has suggestions for mobile apps that you can use to transform images into videos, remix existing videos, and more. This is a great place to start ad creative for your Facebook campaign.

2. Using pictures and videos for your Ad creative in your Facebook Campaign

If you have both photos and videos, create separate advertisements for each of them. Using various creative assets in your ads will help you learn what’s best for your audience.

3. Combine creative with Facebook resources

You can make your photos and videos artistic when you create an ad on Facebook. For example, you can combine multiple images into a slideshow to create a video, or add multiple product images to a carousel to allow people to click through them.

4. Use little to no text in your photos or video thumbnails 

Research has  found that ad photos with less than 20% text are performed better.

  • Tips for avoiding too much text in your ad images
  • If you need to include text in your image, try using fewer words and/or reducing the font size of your text. Bear in mind that if your text is too small, it may be difficult to read.
  • Make sure that most of the text that you use is in the body text instead of directly in the ad’s image.
  • Avoid spreading text all over the image.
Ad creative Facebook Campaign

5. Use other known brands in Ad creative for your Facebook Campaign

 If you do want to add words to your images, use bold attractive words that enable the audience to understand your own campaign. 

A great way to tackle the problem of using images and images with less text is to use an image of a known brand  that’s already instantly recognizable.

Using images of a brand that’s already more established and widely known gives your ads extra credibility. But more importantly, it makes them instantly recognizable by a much wider audience.

6. Try to use more real images other than stock images

According to a test run by Visual Website Optimizer images that had real people and or real names had the greatest impact on conversions. People are going on Facebook to see what their family and friends are up to. In other words, they’re wanting to interact with real people. Therefore using images that are realistic will make your ad creatives look much better. 

7. Give the right people the right offer at the right time

Your audience and offer match is the greatest influence on conversions. This means that your Facebook sales enclosure can be broken down into three classes of people. 

  • Top of the funnel: These people don’t know who you are or why they need your widget. 
  • Middle of the funnel: these people are now brand-conscious and searching for support from a range of choices. 
  • Bottom of the funnel: These people are able to chat about how you can specifically help them and what they’re going to cost.

The trick with Facebook advertising now is to make sure that each of these three groups has their own bid.Your goal with the first group is to get people to see, click, and read your interesting material.  Then, you should send e-books to hack your lead generation and get new email addresses. Last but not least, you should send out product deals for purchase or alternate wires.

You want to get people to know who you are and what you do. However, nobody is interested in your products or services just yet

You should lead off with some interesting content to catch their attention.

The next step is to promote a new offer to the people who just checked out your initial content piece.

Start using custom audiences to track both people who engage with your page and those who visit your website.

If you have custom audiences running in the background to track everyone who clicks on your Facebook page posts go advanced. You can further refine these groups by their demographics to send them even better offers. For example, segment out all those living within a few miles from a specific location and send them ads for an upcoming event.

Start with narrowing down your audiences first. Then create better offers for each one. Do those two things, and it almost doesn’t matter how amazing your headline is or isn’t. The Ad creative for your Facebook campaign will get an immediate boost.

8. Always put the right ad in the right place 

Facebook has three main ad placements: 

  •  Desktop News Feed 
  •  Right-hand Panel 
  • Smartphone News Fee
  • Use mobile ads for driving new awareness. 

People use their phones to browse the internet and look things up, but according to datam people still buy items online on their PCs more than their phones. Keeping these things in mind, use Facebook’s mobile news feed to generate new attention at the top of your funnel. Send these people content so all they have to do is click.

  • Use the right column placement to follow-up. 

You can see awesome results from right-column placement ads.But that’s only if you’re retargeting people who already recognize your brand. So they’re great for people who’ve already visited your website and recognize your logo out of the corners of their eyes. 

But make sure you’re creating ads specifically for that small space so that they are not squished or distorted. 

  • Drive conversions with desktop news feed ads.

Your desktop news feed ads tend to be the most popular ad placement option. But since it’s more expensive use this ad placement for where it’s worth the extra cost. It’s most effective when you’re ready to start driving conversions! 

9. Write the best ad possible 

Data has shown that you can restrict the words around the picture as well. 

For example, one study found that the ideal length of the Facebook ad’s headline is only five words. It’s a trick to keep things easy. Focus the headline on the ultimate benefit that your prospect would gain from your bid. The headline can only repeat the primary gain that someone will get, so your ad post text around the headline should be between 14 and 18 words long. Simple and straightforward works best. You can use a variety of headline styles for your ad creatives. 

  • List post 

Lists are rated as the most common style of headlines. They’re giving people a step-by-step shortcut that makes their lives simpler. The Marketo example does this in two ways. It uses a wide list number that draws attention. It combines the large number with the expression “tried-and-true.” The last phrase means that there would be no guesswork on the part of the user. 

  • Cliffhanger

 This is an effective Buzzfeed favourite. It teases you with a little bit of details. Then it pulls back before revealing everything. You then have no choice but to click. Start a cliffhanger with the headline, “This Is,” and you can almost never go wrong. That’s why “This is Your Brain on Drugs” has become one of the most successful ad campaigns of all time. It used vivid words, suggesting cause and effect, to construct an impulse that stole your attention.


In the end, Facebook ads offer you the most sophisticated DIY tools to reach customers. Facebook’s advertising platform can be difficult to figure out. But stick to some of these simple guidelines to limit your decisions. In no time you will be able to create successful Facebook ad creative.  

For an all you need to know on Facebook ads for lead generation & conversion tracking in FB ads check out our detailed article.

For further details on on Facebook Lead ads, check out our article !

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